JavaScript Checkout

Get Payment Checkout Done in the Blink of an Eye.

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Messy checkout page impacting sales?
Stop saying goodbye to leads. With the simplest and quickest integration that allows seamless checkouts, now provide a smooth brand experience to your customers. Customizable with absolutely no redirections, deliver a secure experience to your buyers with Paytm JS Checkout.
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Reasons to Choose JavaScript Checkout
Lightning Fast.
2-Step Integration.
Start accepting payments, in just a few minutes. All you need to do is create your merchant account & integrate with your App or website. A system that’s ready to go ensure zero downtime! Even if there are any modifications in the order/merchant specifics, there’s absolutely no need for a re-integration. Simply modify it.
No Redirection.
Commonly, payment checkouts occur on a new page via page redirection. However, with Paytm JS Checkout, that is not the case. This is a win-win situation. First, it sustains the customer’s trust in the payment process. Second, it leads to higher success rate for payment checkouts.
The Big Merchant Experience Delivered.
Customize the checkout page as per the colour scheme of your brand. This lets the customer maintain their trust in the checkout process as the colours will be familiar. Delivered along with no page redirection for payment checkout, this ensures double reassurance for your buyer.
Anti-Fraud Technology.
In the wilderness of the internet, fear and lack of trust are rampant. Paytm JS Checkout comes with PCI-DSS compliance with 128-bit encryption, which will keep each and every transaction for your customer and you safe and secure.
All Payment Methods Accepted in Preferred Sequence.
Collect payments using UPI, Debit/Credit Cards, Net Banking, Paytm Bank Wallet, and even EMI. Want to promote UPI over Net Banking transactions on your page? You have all the control on payment method sequencing.
All Platforms Supported.
Paytm JS Checkout can be easily integrated on your website, mobile website, Android, and iOS apps. It ensures no delays on account of the type of platform you prefer or are comfortable with at any point of time.
Multiple Transactions At An Eye's Blink.
Built to withstand the pressure of multiple transactions at the same time, Paytm JS Checkout can handle small, medium, and large value transactions altogether.
Real Time Growth.
Get real time settlements straight into your bank account as waiting time has been reduced to nada. This will ensure that you grow in real time, with each and every transaction.
Powerful Yet Simple Dashboard.
Get a powerful dashboard enabling business growth insights, which will help you view the payments you have received, bank settlements and all the checkout-related stats you can think of. All at one place.
Deliver Premium Merchant Experience to Customers .. :)
Know How
Dashboard Dashboard Dashboard
Device Device Device Device Device
Seamless 2-Step Integration.
  • #Select your preferences & generate code customised for you, in the click of a button.
  • #Embed the code in your business website & start accepting payments.
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How JavaScript Checkout Works
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Go Global. Effortlessly.
Take your work global and accept payments from 50+ countries around the world easily.
  • $ Dollar
  • ¥YEN
  • £GBP
  • EUR
  • RUB
  • INR
Get Single-Point Access to Millions of Customers . .:)
1 in Every 4 Indiansuses Paytm.
330+ million wallet users ensure a higher success rate of getting payments through payment links.
330 million+ linked accounts on Paytm.
They ensure faster and smoother checkout.
Buyer At the Heart of Each Transaction
With Paytm JS Checkout, your customer will always be satisfied. They will not only trust the entire checkout process but will also get the option to avail various benefits.
EMI Subvention
EMI Subvention
Tie-ups with financial institutions will provide the flexibility of EMI to your customers.
Merchant Gift Vouchers
Merchant Gift Vouchers
Customers will have the option to get gift vouchers at checkout.
Bank Offers
Bank Offers
This enables real time discounting on card payment for your customers.
#Coming Soon
Subscription Support
Subscription Support
Provide customers ease of setting up recurring payments through online payment gateway.
App Invoke Functionality
App Invoke Functionality
Seamless Paytm login, without OTP requirement as required by many payment portals.
All-in-One QR
All-in-One QR
Merchant QR code, that works on all payment apps, and reduces chances of OTP fraud.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whom is this solution for?
This solution is for any merchant who doesn't want to invest (both, time and resources) heavily in integrating the checkout solution and is okay with the level of customisation provided by Paytm. Primarily, the target group is small and mid-sized merchant
Do I need to integrate the solution everytime / multiple time I update my preference?
No. You just need to integrate the solution only once. For any subsequent changes, simply click on 'Save Settings' from your merchant dashboard.
What are the prerequisites before the merchant begins to integrate this solution? Are there absolutely no APIs required to be integrated?
Merchant must integrate initiateTransaction API. This API returns transactionToken which needs to be passed to initialise the checkout module.
What are the benefits for a merchant in this solution?
Ease of integration
Improved success rates
Enhanced brand visibility
No redirection
What are the benefits for a user in this solution?
Enhanced brand loyalty and user trust - a user stays on the brand's page, imposing faith in payment
Reduced transaction time
Is this a reduced version of a cashier/payments screen made for ease-of-integration?
No. This contains support for almost the paymodes supported by other checkout flows (such as redirection). Some enhanced features, like support for Subscription are in dev and shall be added soon.
Can anyone integrate this solution?
One needs to be a Paytm's merchant i.e. have a valid production MID before taking this solution live.
However, just to evaluate, one can use his staging MID.
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Integrate The JS Checkout Integration To Offer Your Customers A Lightning Fast Checkout Experience
Experience a lightning-fast 2-step integration for your business, enabling you to start collecting payments in a matter of hours. Just choose your theme, copy a pre-built JavaScript code in your website or app, and give your consumers a lightning-fast checkout experience using JS Checkout. Bundled with enhanced merchant branding, JS Checkout provides its consumers with the most intuitive checkout experience.
Paytm's JS Checkout Experience Is Primarily Known For:
1.Processing transactions worth ~3L/day
2.Seamless and superfast integration that enables lightning-fast checkouts in about 2 hours.
3. Being used by merchants across multiple categories, such as - Hyperlocal Delivery (nearby stores), EdTech (safejob), Donations (give Gita), and more.
1. Why JS Checkout?
1. JS Checkout provides ease of integration so that you can quickly integrate the fast checkout solution and start accepting payments for your business within hours.
2. JS Checkout offers a high level of thematic customization where you get to change the payments page's look and feel by modifying the header, footer color, brandishing your brand logo on the payments page, and more.
3. JS Checkout provides you with enhanced brand visibility.
2. How Does JS Checkout Work?
JS Checkout is a JavaScript-based fast checkout flow that provides you with an ease of integration where you only have to integrate a JS code custom-made by Paytm and start accepting payments. This fast checkout flow eliminates the hassles of integrating multiple APIs. The payments screen opens as an overlay/pop-up on your website, and thus, your context is never lost. Apart from the above, JS Checkout also allows you a high level of thematic customization to select the thematics (header color, Pay button color, text color) of the checkout page as per the business theme. Although many other businesses provide similar quick checkout solutions, their ease of integration doesn't come bundled with thematic customization and enhanced branding.
3. JS Checkout: Top Features
1. Ease of integration: You can integrate the solution by directly embedding a (JS) code snippet on your checkout page. This is beneficial for small and mid-sized businesses that don't have a dedicated/large technical bandwidth.
2. Thematic customization: You can modify the look of the payments page and set the font, header, and the Pay button's color as per your business theme. Your brand logo is also visible throughout the payment's journey.
3. One time integration: To modify the preset configuration, you can update the merchant dashboard settings and click the Save button. No need to re-integrate the code snippet.
4. No redirection: The user does not lose context during the transaction. The payment page renders as an overlay/pop-up on your website.
5. Pay mode re-ordering: You can sequence the pay modes (Paytm, Net Banking, UPI, and more.) as per your preferences.
6. JS Checkout Is Presently Adding Value To: JS Checkout is highly recommended for Hyperlocal Delivery Platforms, Gifting Platforms, Job Portals, Edutech, and many more.